Government & Public Sector

PetsWA centralised registration system

August 2, 2024

Contract awarded to build new PetsWA centralised registration system for dogs and cats

A significant milestone has been reached in the State Government’s Stop Puppy Farming reforms, with a contract awarded to build a new centralised registration system for dogs and cats in Western Australia.

Expected to launch later in 2025, PetsWA will replace all dog and cat registers currently managed by individual local governments with a single online system designed for pet owners, local governments, rangers and rescue organisations.

It will be easier for pet owners who move between local government areas to change their pet registration details through PetsWA.

It will enable local governments to identify cases of puppy farming through improved visibility of pet registrations and transfers, and breeders across Western Australia.

Seisma Group was selected to develop the new ICT system through a competitive procurement process. Seisma will be partnering with software company Salesforce.

PetsWA has been informed by insights from the local government sector led by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC), as well as a robust discovery and design phase to understand the needs of different user groups and develop a fit-for-purpose solution.

Data will be migrated from existing local government registers through the development phase of the system to ensure a seamless registration experience for pet owners and users once PetsWA is operational.

Work to finalise regulations and guidelines to fully enact the Stop Puppy Farming reforms is progressing well, and is expected to take effect by the time the PetsWA system goes live.

These will include mandatory registration of dog breeders, mandatory sterilisation of dogs from 2 years of age unless exempt, and transitioning pet shops to adoption agencies.

An extensive public awareness campaign will run to explain the changes and raise awareness of the PetsWA system before its launch.

*This news item has been sourced from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (

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